Visually Grounded Neural Syntax Acquisition
Shi et al. ACL 2019 Visually Grounded Neural Syntax Acquisition
Visually Grounded Neural Syntax Learner (VG-NSL) is an approach for learning syntactic representations and structures without explicit supervision. The modellearns by looking at natural images and reading paired captions. VG-NSL generates constituency parse trees of texts, recursively composes representations for constituents, and matches them with images.
Consider the figure below paired with the descriptive texts (captions) in English. Given no prior knowledge of English, and sufficient such pairs, one can infer
- the correspondence between certain words and visual attributes, (e.g. recognizing that “a cat” refers to the objects in the blue boxes).
- constituents, that is a set of consecutive words to be processed as a whole (e.g. “A cat”, “under the umbrella”)
This intuition motivates the use of image-text pairs to facilitate automated language learning, including both syntax and semantics.
This paper focuses on learning the syntactic structures, and proposes Visually Grounded Neural Syntax Learner (VG-NSL) that acquires syntax, in the form of constituency parsing, by making use of images and their captions.
VG-NSL consists of 2 modules.
- Given an input caption, build a constituency parse tree, and recursively compose representation for every constituent.
- Match textual representations with visual inputs, using Visual-Semantic embeddings.
Both are jointly optimized in an alternating mechanism.
Textual Representation and Structures
- VG-NSL starts by composing a binary constituency structure of text, using an easy-first bottom-up parser.
- The composition of the tree from a caption of length n consists of n-1 steps. of n− 1 steps. Let X(t) = (x1(t), x2(t), · · · , xk(t)) denote the textual representations of a sequence of constituents after step t, where k = n − t. X(0) to denote the word embeddings for all tokens (the initial representations).
- The selected pair is combined to form a single new constituent. Thus, after step t, the number of constituents is decreased by 1. The textual representation for the new constituent is defined as the L2-normed sum of the two component constituents.
Visual-Semantic Embeddings
- Visual-semantic embedding (VSE) space for paired images and text constituents. Let v(i) denote the vector representation of an image i, and c(i)j denote the vector representation of the j-th constituent of its corresponding text caption.
- A function m(.; .; phi) is defined as the matching score between images and texts:
Optimization of the visual-semantic representations (phi) and constituency structures (theta) was done in an alternating approach. At each iteration, given constituency parsing results of caption, phi is optimized for matching the visual and the textual representations. Next, given the visual grounding of constituents, theta is optimized for producing constituents that can be better matched with images.
Evaluation and Results
- Performance of the combined model was tested against the text only SOTA model (Benepar) to parse captions in the MSCOCO dataset.
- Consistent parsing results across various choices for random initializations.
- Much more data efficient, reaching comparable performance using only 20% of the the training captions.