
Toward EEG Sensing of Imagined Speech

Original Publication

D’Zmura M., Deng S., Lappas T., Thorpe S., Srinivasan R. (2009) Toward EEG Sensing of Imagined Speech. In: Jacko J.A. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. New Trends. HCI 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5610. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Experimental Setup




Fig. 1 Timelines for the 6 conditions. Time durations are in eighths of a second.




Fig. 2. Preprocessed and band-pass-filtered waveform we[t], recorded by electrode e, is Hilbert-transformed to provide envelope ve[t]. The inner product <, > of this envelope with each matched filter Fe,c[t], one filter per condition per electrode, provides six numbers pe,c. These six numbers measure how well the particular trial’s envelope matches the filter for each condition. The maximum of these six numbers is used to determine the most likely condition c˜e.



Fig. 3. Distributions of classification performance across the scalp for alpha (α), beta (β) and theta (θ) bands for subject S4. Darker values indicate the positions of electrodes providing better classification performance.


Fig. 4 Classification performance using matched filters for envelopes in three frequency bands. The fraction of correctly-classified trials (720 trials per subject, identified in the left column) is indicated. The chance performance level in this classification among six conditions is 1/6 (0.17).


Fig. 5 Classification matrices for subject S2. Values along the diagonals indicate correct classification, while non-white values off the diagonal indicate errors. The black gray-value in the middle panel (beta-band) for actual condition 1 and matched filter condition 1 (top left square) represents 91% of the trials; lighter shades indicate smaller values (through white indicating 0%). Perfect performance would be indicated by all off-diagonal entries set to white.